There are a ton of apps that take advantage of the iPhone’s built-in camera. There was a lot of hype surrounding the release of Snapture . so we decided to take a look and see how this camera app compared to the standard camera app that already comes with the iPhone.
We gave a demo copy to our good friend Mr. Lee who did a lot of testing and had this to say:
In reviewing and critiquing Snapture I needed to realize a few things. First, I needed to understand that a cell phone camera was not meant to be a replacement or the equal to a digital cameral. Second, I’m an old guy and don’t like taking pictures of myself by holding the camera a foot away from my face. Okay, with those caveats, here goes:
The good:
- Zoom capacity: terrific. It is very convenient and useful to be able to zoom by finger tips. No more walking a bit closer or post pix cropping.
- Thumbnail on screen: extremely great idea. No more switching camera function.
- Level Aid: I like it. Okay, it may not be for everybody, but I found it to be very useful. Heh, nothing like a level sunset, or a proportioned group shot.
- Touch screen shutter: maybe it is a learning curve, but I took a ton of accidental shots. Nothing like getting three pictures of your feet.
- One touch email: convenient feature, but a little limited. “Camera” allows for email, MMS, Assign to Contact, and Use as Wallpaper options.
- Multi-shot: why? maybe it is just me, but multi-shots are primarily for sporting events and other action type moments. These type of moments require a fast shutter speed and a high quality lens. Not the real forte of Snapture.
Not so good:
Saving shots: your shots (4) stay on the screen as thumbnails. If you take more shots, the pixs either get automatically or manually saved. Guess where they get saved to? The Camera roll in Camera. So how do you review pre-4 shot photos? Yep, open Camera and review the Camera Roll.
You be the judge:
Side by side photos: attached are side by side photos taken close in time with similar lighting and distance.
Photo from the built-in camera app.
Photo via snapture.
Overall: C+. Remember the caveats.
Snapture is ON SALE NOW (75% off) in the iTunes App Store for a limited time.